Power Holdings Inc is an international consumer audio product development and distribution company. We specialize in marketing high end audio components and accessories to music enthusiasts in North America.
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Once sold out, the next and final batch should arrive the end of April.
You will be able to place a pre order to hold one.
Shipping world wide!
*Since this is a special limited edition, returns will not be accepted.
Introducing a V281 Reissue!
Customers have been asking for years if there are any V281 left in stock. This model has been missed by many for its tube like warmth and slim form factor. So Violectric has decided to make 200 special edition units. At the request of many customers we have added some new features to make this iconic model even better.
V281 Reissue
New features added!
Welcome to Power Holdings Inc! We have been in business since 2008 providing audiophiles with equipment and customer service that we are proud of. Our brands are sold throughout the USA and Canada both online and in retail stores. Please see our list of AUTHORIZED RESELLERS to find a dealer near you. You can also purchase these products on this website. If you have any questions please feel free to Contact Us.
Enjoy the music, Arthur G H Power IV